Building a new home?
Persons building a new home in an area served by McLeod Cooperative Power or any member requiring a new electric service extension should contact the Engineering Department at McLeod Cooperative Power AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. The Cooperative wants to work with consumers early in the building process so decisions on overhead vs. underground services, service location, load management options, etc. best meet the member’s needs.
Call 1.800.494.6272 and ask to speak with a Staking Technician.

Moving into an existing home with electric service from McLeod Cooperative Power?
Call the Cooperative to set up your account before you move in. We need your name, address, and phone number as soon as possible to mail you a new member packet, a service agreement must be completed and a deposit may be required.
Call 1.800.494.6272 and ask for the Billing Dept.