Supporting the Community: Small Change, Big Impact
Participating members round up their electric bill to the nearest dollar each month and have that change donated to the MCPA Operation Round Up Trust.
The trust donates funds annually to worthwhile non-profit organizations that are working to make a positive impact in McLeod, Renville, Carver, and Sibley Counties of Minnesota. The trust is a non-profit corporation that is governed by a volunteer board of directors. Members make a tax-deductible donation of $.01 to $.99/month, a maximum annual donation of $11.88/year. Average donations of $6/year.
MCPA’s Operation Round Up Program is an “opt-out” program. This means no action is needed unless you’d prefer not to participate in the ORU program. If that’s the case, simply let us know by calling our office and we’ll unenroll your account from this program.
How would an organization apply for funding?
Charitable organizations may contact the Cooperative for an application for funds or download the Operation Round Up Application (PDF). Funding is usually dispersed each March or April, with applications due to the Co-op office by March 1.
Contributions will generally be made to 501(c)3 non-profit organizations for projects such as:
- Community Service
- Education and youth
- Emergency assistance
- Environment
- Disaster Relief
Contributions are generally not made for:
- Lobbying, political or religious organizations
- Veteran, fraternal, and labor organizations
- Fundraising dinners, raffles, events
- National fund drives