About McLeod Co-op Power
We are proud to have served the area since 1935. McLeod Cooperative Power is a member-owned cooperative that provides electricity to more than 6,000 residents, businesses, and farms in McLeod, Renville, Sibley and Carver Counties.
Our Energy Sources
McLeod Cooperative Power Association purchases approximately 95 percent of our electricity from wholesale provider Great River Energy (GRE). The remaining 5 percent is purchased from Western Area Power Administration (WAPA).
GRE is an electric transmission and generation cooperative with 28 member cooperatives throughout the state of Minnesota. GRE met Minnesota’s renewable energy standard of 25 percent renewable energy in 2017, eight years ahead of the state’s requirement of 25 percent by 2025. GRE has voluntarily set a goal to serve its member-owner cooperative with energy that is 50 percent renewable by 2030 and is well on the way toward meeting that new goal. Read more about the diverse mix of GRE’s generation resources.
WAPA is a power marketing administration within the US Department of Energy whose role is to market and deliver clean, renewable, reliable, cost-based federal hydroelectric power in the central and western United States. Read more about WAPA.
New Member Orientations
McLeod Co-op Power offers home visits to new members of the Co-op. The meeting will give the member a quick overview of all the programs, services, and products offered by McLeod Co-op Power. This also is an opportunity to get common questions answered about off-peak equipment, the electric bill, etc.
New member visits are at no cost to the member.
Call Bob Thomes 1.800.494.6272 to schedule a visit if you have become a member of the co-op in recent months.
MCPA Annual Meeting
The 2024 Annual Meeting was held on Tuesday, July 16th at the Crow River Winery in Hutchinson. There were approximately 285 members and guests that attended the meeting. Next year’s Annual Meeting will take place on Tuesday, July 15, 2025.
2024 Board of Directors Election
We extend our gratitude to all the members who participated in this year’s election and cast their votes for the Co-op’s Board of Directors. Following the
announcement at the Annual Meeting, we are pleased to introduce the candidates elected by the membership to represent their districts over the next three years: Doug Kirtz for District 4, Allan Duesterhoeft for District 5, and Gary Burdorf for District 6.
We also wish to express our appreciation to the other candidates, Paul Rettmann, Karl Reinhard, and Michael Checketts, for their active involvement in this year’s election and for their interest in serving the Co-op. Your dedication and commitment to our Cooperative are highly valued.