In an effort to accelerate the widespread adoption of zero emission-electric vehicles across the United States, Touchstone Energy® Cooperatives and Nissan North America, Inc. are offering eligible employees and member-owners of Touchstone Energy member organizations in certain States (including Minnesota) a special incentive to purchase a 100% electric, Nissan LEAF®. Those eligible to participate can take advantage of this special rebate offer plus up to $7,500 in Federal EV Tax Credits through March 31, 2020.
The special rebates are available for new vehicle purchases, from Nissan Dealer inventory:
- $3,500 on 2019 LEAF 40 kWh;
- $2,500 on 2019 LEAF ePlus 62 kWh;
- $3,000 on 2020 LEAF 40 kWh, or;
- $2,000 on 2020 LEAF ePlus 62 kWh
How to Get This Exclusive Offer
Eligible states’ co-op employees and member-owners can take advantage of the special rebates at any Nissan dealership. Simply bring to the dealership:
- Copy of this flyer
- Proof of eligible residency
- Current Touchstone Energy member co-op monthly electric bill or proof of co-op employment
EV Charger Rebates
McLeod Co-op Power also is currently offering a $500.00 rebate for installing a Level 2 charger on the Co-op’s Storage/Off Peak Program. The Off Peak Program provides discounted energy pricing for vehicles charging during off-peak times. Additionally, there is an additional $300.00 incentive through Great River Energy if you order through the Co-op’s online store. The charger must be purchased from our online store and installed on our load management storage control strategy to receive both rebates totaling $800.00. Members are encouraged to contact our energy management specialists for more details.
Another program through McLeod Co-op Power for Level 2 off peak controlled EV’s is the Minnesota REVOLT program. This program is an additional offering that the level 2 chargers on our off peak metering can sign up for. This is a free enrollment and guarantees that all the energy (up to 10,000 kWh/yr., 50,000 kWh/5yrs) used by the electric vehicle will be produced by “Green Energy”.
Other EV Resources
Energy Wise MN – Electric Vehicles