You are invited to the 85th Annual Meeting of McLeod Cooperative Power, which was rescheduled due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. (9:30 a.m. registration) at the Hutchinson Event Center.
NEW Annual Meeting Format
In light of the current health situation facing our country, and in doing our part in helping slow the spread of COVID-19 by following Minnesota’s Stay Safe guidelines, the McLeod Cooperative Power Annual Meeting will consist of only a short business meeting. A quorum of 50 people is sought to conduct the meeting. Please note that no meal or refreshments will be served. There will be no entertainment nor prize drawing. Preventive distancing and sanitation measures will be employed for attendees. Any members with a fever, cough, or COVID-19 symptoms, as well as anyone with at-risk health issues or weak immune systems, should not attend.
Director Elections
Members in Districts 1, 2, and 3 have the opportunity to vote for a director to represent their respective district on the Cooperative’s Board. Profiles of each candidate are included with each election ballot.
Bylaw Amendments
ALL McLeod Co-op members have the opportunity to vote on the proposed amendments to the Cooperative’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. Proposed changes include updates to outdated language, technology developments, and adjustments for cost savings and efficiency measures. A complete summary of proposed changes is available for review on the Co-op’s website and a copy was mailed to each member with their ballot.
Whether you are voting in the director election or for the proposed amendment changes, we encourage you to vote by mail. Completed ballots should be sealed in the BALLOT ENVELOPE for confidentiality, then placed in the yellow, postage-paid envelope for mailing. Ballots received by June 15 will be counted by the Nominating Committee. In addition, completed ballots will be collected at the rescheduled Annual Meeting on June 16 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. as part of the registration process.